Faeries, Songs After the Fall™ BETA PDF Guide

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Watchers No More!

With unswaying ambition, the Eternals called forth all manner of Faeries. These Otherworldly spirits call themselves “Enchanters of Life.”

Faerie existences depend on the good health of Perdition. Their songs fill the oceans with life and guide the tempests that rage over the waters. They are shepherds, nurturing verdant meadows, endless gardens, towering forests, and boundless plains. Multitudes exist to nurture and to increase the wondrous abundance of nature in life’s spiral dance. 

Mankind was born into this paradise. Faeries watched over them and guided them—until—the Faerie Challasaia brought the Cataclysm to this paradise.

The WitchBorn® rise up to overwhelm the land. Gatherings of like-minded Faeries must work actively to reverse this disaster.

Faeries can be Watchers no more!



  • MASSIVE UPDATE! Faeries replaces Elves as the last of the Third Edition war clans and is the lengthiest rulebook yet.
  • Introducing the Gathering of the Waves™ and the Gathering of the Seeds,™ like-minded Faeries who band together. 
  • Waves feature the beguiling new Nereids and the markedly different Fae of the seas.
  • Seeds will feel more familiar with Forest Wardens, Pixies, Dinnshenchas, Dryads,  Woodsong Spellsingers, and much more.
  • Fae warriors and Faerie Powers are integrated into the warriors you select from. No more disappointing random rolls. Purchase only the Faeries you want!
  • Songs of the Wild lets your Faerie call on the aid of over 60 mounts, dragons, and Unreal Beasts, varying from songbirds to humongous dragon turtles!
  • Cast 13 NEW Wave spells and Spirit-Bond to bows with magick.
  • Try new Faerie skills and enigmatic Tidal weapons that appear on command.
  • INCLUDED! New rosters for the Waves and Seeds.
  • All PDFs are licensed to share among up to 6 players.

This discounted “beta version” includes only about 60% of the content to come. Our expanded group is a great source of wisdom. Share your feedback to influence the new Gatherings of Winds, Wild, and Spirit. As this book explodes beyond 100 pages, updates are free, so you won’t need to purchase it again.

Get Faeries and share your feedback NOW!